Friday, 31 October 2014

The big adventure. Day 7

Our final day in Mexico City didn't dissapoint. We had another wicked day. After a much needed sleep in we headed down to Xochimilco. We thought we would brave the train system and were really impressed. Ridiculously easy and cheap to use. 
We headed straight to the gondalas for a sweet ride down the river. 

Even on the river there is mariachi bands and gondalas that float up next to you to sell food and coronas. 
We headed down to a place I was very excited to visit- Isla de las Munecas ( Island of the dolls)  It was incredibly cool and a little creepy.
The history around the island is really interesting. A young girl drowned there and then 50 years later to the day the uncle of the man who lives on the island died in the same spot. So the man who loves there started collecting dolls that washed up and hung them on the island to ward away bad spirits. He has been doing this for around 50 years and there are over 1700 dolls- the majority of which  were washed up. It is an amazing place. 

This one is 'the milagro' ( the miracle) as she was found on the anniversary of the deaths of the girl and the uncle. 
This place was awesome!!!! I wore my phone memory out taking photos here. 

Afterwards we headed over to the Museo   Dolores Olmedo Patino to see works from Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. The was an incredible Dia de Los Muertos exhibition on as well which of course I loved. I wish I could make these lifsize characters for my job! Any call for them inMelbourne  do you think?

I love them so much!!!

By the time we dragged ourself back we had time for a meal then off to bed for a 4am start. 

I have to say to everyone who expressed their concerns about Mexico City that they shouldn't believe everything they read or hear. We felt incredibly safe. We were catching the cabs the guidebooks warn you not to with no hassle. The people were honest, kind and friendly. The street food was tastier than the resturant food (& fingers crossed we haven't had adverse effects from it yet). Thank you Mexico City. 
Hasta mañana xxxx

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