Sunday, 19 October 2014

Memory Quilt

Over the past couple of weeks I have been working on an art project at an aged care facility. The residents I am working with have a range of ailments including the early stages of dementia.

We have started each session with a theme. Those who want to will tell a story around the sessions theme and we will look at a way we can create an artwork to relate it. I will then go and have a one on one chat with the ones who are shy or have issues with speaking and we will do the same thing. While we are starting up there is a lot of talking, laughing and the odd tear shed. Then about 20 minutes into it the room is incredibly quiet . The residents are really focused on what they are doing and there is just the odd hushed conversation between them and the staff.

 It has been an honour to work with them and a lot of fun. I have loved hearing the stories about their childhoods, how they met their spouses, their favourite things and especially the stories of the mischief they got up to. I have also loved creating art with them. For some of the residents this is the first time they have ever done art. Seeing their pride in their finished result has been really heart-warming.

Here is the quilt so far. There are still 2 groups tomorrow to add work to it. It looks fantastic and they have done a wonderful job. You are welcome to leave some comments for me to share with the artists.

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