I love a good book, which led to my love of altered books. Any art form that allows me to reuse and repurpose unwanted materials excites me immensely. I have used it as a creative outlet over the years, firstly as a way to do personal works to help me through the bad times and focus on the good (art therapy I guess you would call it). Now I use books as frames for my assemblage art works and pages to draw illustrations on.
I have just finished running a two day workshop on Altered Books and thoroughly enjoyed being able to share this art form with others. For those who are still wondering 'What is an altered book?', take a quick read of this ....
If you live in Melbourne (Australia) would like to take a look at my altered book/assemblage art in the flesh, pop on down to my exhibition. This is the only solo show I will be having this year. Opening Friday 28 February. 6-9 pm.
I would love to see you there.